Ongoing works for the Suburban Rail Link continue to impact Kingston Rd near the nursery. The nursery will always remain open, and is accessible to customers. Please contact us on 9558 3956 if you need current access information.
HHHis a member of the mint family, Lamiaceae. Like other members of the mint family, it has square stems and opposite leaves. This plant is native to the tropics of Asia but grows well in just about any environment. Unlike most annuals, coleus cultivars are grown for their foliage, not their flowers.Coleus is a member of the mint family, Lamiaceae. Like other members of the mint family, it has square stems and opposite leaves. This plant is native to the tropics of Asia but grows well in just about any environment. Unlike most annuals, coleus cultivars are grown for their foliage, not their flowers.Coleus is a member of the mint family, Lamiaceae. Like other members of the mint family, it has square stems and opposite leaves. This plant is native to the tropics of Asia but grows well in just about any environment. Unlike most annuals, coleus cultivars are grown for their foliage, not their flowers.Coleus is a member of the mint family, Lamiaceae. Like other members of the mint family, it has square stems and opposite leaves. This plant is native to the tropics of Asia but grows well in just about any environment. Unlike most annuals, coleus cultivars are grown for their foliage, not their flowers.Coleus is a member of the mint family, Lamiaceae. Like other members of the mint family, it has square stems and opposite leaves. This plant is native to the tropics of Asia but grows well in just about any environment. Unlike most annuals, coleus cultivars are grown for their foliage, not their flowers.aaaaColeus is a member of the mint family, Lamiaceae. Like other members of the mint family, it has square stems and opposite leaves. This plant is native to the tropics of Asia but grows well in just about any environment. Unlike most annuals, coleus cultivars are grown for their foliage, not their flowers.Perhaps you know them as painted nettle or poor man’s croton, depending on where you’re located, but for many of us we simply know them as coleus plants (Coleus blumei). I, for one, love them, as do many others. They have some of the most stunningly colored foliage—in combinations of green, yellow, pink, red, maroon, etc. Coleus also have a wide variety of leaf sizes and overall shapes. This means that no matter what area you are looking to put coleus, you can find one that will be perfect. These plants are great for adding color in the garden (or home), especially in those dark, drab-looking corners.
Read more at Gardening Know How: Coleus Care – Information On Growing Coleus https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/ornamental/foliage/coleus/coleus-plant-care.htm